From Chairman’s Desk

From Chairman’s Desk

“Leonardo Da Vinci ,the great Italian artist and scientist said” Iron rusts from disuse ,stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather  water becomes frozen ,even so does inaction sap the vigour of the minds.” Young minds need , not only a disciplined direction but also an exercise that is mandatory.Here, at  Holy Public […]

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From Principal’s Desk

From Principal’s Desk

Former President of India Dr. Abdul Kalam said,” Dreams are not those you get when you sleep, but dreams are those, that don’t let you sleep.” Great men were not great when they were born but made themselves great by dreaming of their vision and by persistent learning. Life is full of challenges in the […]

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From Director’s Desk

From Director’s Desk

“ALL THE CREATURES ARE PLEASED BY LOVING WORDS ;AND THEREFORE WE SHOULD ADDRESS WORDS THAT ARE PLEASING TO ALL ,FOR THERE IS NO LACK OF SWEET WORDS”…………  CHANAKYA Holy Public School has been working hard to impart education that is based on conscience and we rear a breed of young minds who are bustling with […]

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